
Here’s what you need to know about menopause


Menopause isn't always easy to talk about. Here are tips on how to have an effective conversation with your doctor. (Photo credit: Pexels)


How to Talk to Your Gyno About Menopause

Here are some tips on how to talk to your gynecologist to get the most out of your appointment so you come away feeling...

Am I Going Through Early Menopause? - Stripes Beauty


Am I Going Through Early Menopause?

Early menopause — sometimes called ovarian insufficiency — typically happens between ages 40 and 45 (compared to premature menopause, which happens before age 40). 

Not sure where you got your information about menopause? It's time to ditch the myths and get the facts. (Photo credit: Unsplash)


Top 5 Myths About Menopause

You'll never want to have sex again. You’ll be old and useless. It’s time to bust the myths and the record straight on what menopause is...

Here’s a quick guide about what to expect when you’re expecting to go though menopause. (Photo: Rodnae Productions/Pexels)


Everything You Need to Know About Menopause

Since we never learned about it in health class, here’s a quick primer about what to expect when you’re expecting menopause.